Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Eligibility for scholarships
Which universities are meant by 'Victorian universities'?
Deakin University
Federation University
La Trobe University
Monash University
RMIT University
Swinburne University
University of Melbourne
Victoria University
Australian Catholic University (Victorian campuses)
University of Divinity
Any Victorian Institute or College accredited to award the degree in which you are enrolled
I do not live in Victoria, but I am enrolled online in a Masters degree in Education in a Victorian university. Am I eligible to apply?
Yes, online students are eligible if they meet the other criteria.
I am enrolled for a one-year professional Masters degree. Am I eligible for the scholarships and bursaries in the Masters by coursework category?
Do I have to be a member of Graduate Women Victoria in order to apply for these scholarships and bursaries?
No, you do not need to be a member of the Graduate Women Victoria to apply for our scholarships and bursaries. However, you may need to be a member to apply for scholarships offered by other state or territory organisations or the national body, Australian Graduate Women. For more information about the scholarships offered by these associations, refer to Australian Graduate Women Scholarships.
Do I have to state what the scholarship money will be spent on?
Not directly but the expectation is that the money will be spent to assist you in your studies.
Does Graduate Women Victoria offer grants for travel?
Graduate Women Victoria does not offer any grants for travel but there is no reason why a winner could not spend some of the monies received on travel to conferences or field trips relevant to the project/program for which they have sought support.
Can I apply for multiple scholarships within a relevant category?
Yes, applying for one of the awards with restricted criteria does not mean that you are excluded from consideration for any of the other awards in the relevant category. If you are, for instance, the candidate ranked first for the William and Elizabeth Fisher Scholarship, that will be awarded to you, regardless of whether you have applied for the Madeleine Capicchiano Bursary.
Applying for a Scholarship
Is there an administration fee?
Applicants are not required to pay an administration fee.
What is an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)?
The AHEGS provides a description of the nature, level, context and status of studies completed. It is only issued on completion of an award, so differs from an academic transcript which can be issued at various stages of your program. Its purpose is to assist in recognition of Australian qualifications, and promote international mobility and professional recognition of graduates.
The university you graduated from may be able to provide you with an AHEGS if you are a recent graduate.
If obtaining transcripts from the AHEGS site, ensure that they are not private, as the assessors will not be able to view them unless you provide an access code.
Can I edit my application once I have submitted it on the website?
No, once the application is submitted, no further changes can be made.
However, until you actually submit, you can save your work, exit and returns as often as you like.
My question is not answered here, where can I get assistance?
Funding the Scholarships
How is money raised for the scholarships and bursaries?
Graduate Women Victoria scholarships and bursaries are funded from generous bequests and donations from members and friends to a fund first established in 1920. Our funds are held in trust by the Australian Communities Foundation.
To learn about the ACF, use the link above, but to make a tax-deductible donation now to the Graduate Women Victoria Scholarship Sub-fund, visit our Support page.